Forest administration, all Latvia

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Madona County Municipality, Prauliena parish administration

Prauliena, Kalna 2, Praulienas pagasts, Madonas nov., LV-4825
Municipalities, Madona, Prauliena, Praulienas parish, Madonas district Saikava, Vecsaikava, Lūžņa, Praulienas parish municipality, Madona municipality, Praulienas parish council, Velna skroderis - the biggest giant stone of Vidzeme, agriculture, forestry, woodworking, tirdzniecība un pakalpojumu sniegšana, Kujas nature park, Saikavas

Madona County Municipality, Laudona parish administration

Ļaudona, Dzirnavu 2, Ļaudonas pagasts, Madonas nov., LV-4862
Municipality, municipalities, Madona district, Ļaudona, Ļaudonas parish, Latgale nature park "Driksnas pie forest

Madona County Municipality, Marcienas parish administration

Mārciena, Jaunā 1, Mārcienas pagasts, Madonas nov., LV-4852
Municipality, municipalities, Madona district, Mārcienas Elementary school. Mārcienas parish, Mārciena, Latgale, Mārcienas manor, Patmalnieku manor complex, Mārcienas ev. luteriskās draudzes skola. Mārcienas pils drupas, park.

Latvian University of Biosciences and Technologies

Lielā 2, Jelgava LV-3001
sociology, forest economics and policy, labour protection and safety, forest ecology and forestry, wooden, hydroengineering, nutrition science, company administration , lifelong learning, further education, budget

HD Forest, LTD

Vienības gatve 109, Rīga LV-1058
Purchase of forests, Forest purchase, Forest administration , Forest

Logseter, LTD

"Čiekuri", Liepas pagasts, Cēsu nov., LV-4128
Logging services, Tree cutting, Forest removal, Buys forest , Purchase of felling areas, Forest administration , for EU co-financing attracting, forest works, forest removal, forest tree measurements, overgrowth and

Kindel, LTD

"Lazdiņas", Veclaicenes pagasts, Alūksnes nov., LV-4335
Forest planting, young stand care, forest cutting, forest delivery, forest administration , chopped firewood, , forest , felling location, tree measurements, land purchase, forest land purchase from 1 ha, deciduous

Silteks īpašumi, LTD

Brīvības gatve 295, Rīga, LV-1006
Forest purchase, forest purchase, purchase of forest property, countryside, homestead, purchase of country, houses, rural Property Purchase, agricultural lands, purchase of land, forest administration , evaluation

Visto Serviss, LTD

Martiši, Bērzu 16, Isnaudas pagasts, Ludzas nov., LV-5701
services, forest planting, thinning of the forest , forest -related activities, forest administration ., Forest removal services in Ludza, In Latgale. Forwarder services in Ludza, In Latgale.

NL Liepas, LTD

Jelgavas 17-5, Saldus, Saldus nov., LV-3801
Logging, buying of felling sites, forest purchase, purchase of forest property, forest cutting, cutting, services, forest administration , young stand care, forest evaluation, agricultural land plant cover

Latvijas Lauku konsultāciju un izglītības centrs, LTD

Ozolnieki, Rīgas 34, Ozolnieku pagasts, Jelgavas nov. LV-3018
Forest , forest administration , forestry, forest management services, forestry activities, advice on, , sketch making, growing tree survey, forest inventory, sale of felling stock at auction, forest management

Informācijas, konsultācijas un darījumi, Individual merchant

Riepnieku 6-301, Rīga, LV-1050
Real estate, real estate administration , real estate transactions, premises for rent, office rental,, , forest sale, document processing, forest purchase, forest sale, property, property buying.


Vīnakalna 3, Ikšķile, Ogres nov., LV-5052
administration , work in the woods, forest management plan, forest planting, forest taxation, forest , management project, forest appraisers, forest care, forest inventory rules, forest evaluation, forest

Linca, LTD

Lautere , Aronas pagasts, Madonas nov. LV-4847
Logging, logging services in Vidzeme, forest development. Forest removal. Tiber hauler services., Forest administration , In Vidzeme, In Madona. Services for forest owners.

SSB Timber, LTD

"Ilbatas", Linejciems, Lībagu pagasts, Talsu nov., LV-3258
Forest administration , forest planting, logging, young stand care, forestry, long-term forest management, , forest planting, determining the value of the forest , locating, forest tree measurements, logging,

AlderWood, LTD

Lielā 60A-7, Grobiņa, Dienvidkurzemes nov. LV-3430
administration , tree measurements, young stands, young stand care, (trimming) timber hauler, tiber hauler, care, logging prices, tree sawing in private property, forest manager, forest sawing prices, forest

DJ Logging, LTD

Alsunga, Skolas 16, Alsungas pagasts, Kuldīgas nov. LV-3306
administration , tree measurements, young stands, young stand care, ( trimming) timber hauler, tiber, care, logging prices, tree sawing in private property, forest manager, forest sawing prices, forest, LTD

"Maigas 6", Amatas pagasts, Cēsu nov., LV-4141
Logging services, logging in Vidzeme, logging, forestry, forest management, forest administration , forest , , forests, forest purchase, purchase of forest property, round timber purchase. round logs, forest evaluation

Rīgas meži, LTD

Jūrmalas gatve 78D, Rīga, LV-1029
Forestry, logging, woodworking, sawmill, tree nursery, parks and gardens, felling area selling, felling area auctions, forest sale, tree sale, trees on a stump, seeds, recreation places, forests plants, decorative plants, forest planting material distribution, forest planting material, seed distribution, tree seed production, roundwood,

AD pakalpojumi

Lielais prospekts 42 - 4, Ventspils, LV-3601
Forest clearing, overgrowth treatment, Forest administration , vegetation management, forest works, Overgrowth, roadsides from bushes, felling site development, removal of vegetation from agricultural lands, real estate administration